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Ben Brown Fine Arts
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NOT VITAL biography | artworks | events

born in Sent, Engadine, Switzerland
currently lives and works in Sent, New York, Beijing and Agadez (Niger)
Selected Solo Exhibitions
“Suicides”, Ben Brown Fine Arts, London, UK (catalogue)
"NOT WHY", Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne, Beijing, China (catalogue)
"Schlafendes Haus", Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
"Pelvis", Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
"Tongue", Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne, Beijing, China
"Let One Hundred Flowers Bloom", Currents  - Art and Music, Beijing, China
"10 Austrians +more", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
"Punts", Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
"Lotus, Coffee and Stone Pine, Portraits, Snow and Boyfriend", Sperone Westwater, New York,
USA (catalogue)
The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA (catalogue)
Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva, Switzerland
"New Sculpture", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France (catalogue)
"Agadez", Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (catalogue)"Agadez" Albion, London, UK
"New Sculpture", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Sperone Westwater, New York, USA (catalogue)
Aidan Gallery, Moscow, Russia
"Milla larmas id 1 chamel", Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin, Germany
"300 Camels", Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia 
Chasa Jaura, Valchava, Switzerland
Galerie Tschudi, Zuoz, Switzerland
"Mias muntognas", Edith Wahlandt Galerie, Stuttgart, Germany
"Vital", Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva (catalogue)
"Fat es Fat", Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Switzerland (catalogue)
Kunsthalle Göppingen, Göppingen, Germany (catalogue)
Museo Cantonale d'Arte, Lugano, Switzerland (catalogue)  
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Galleria Cardi & Co., Milan, Italy (catalogue)
"New Sculpture", de Pury & Luxembourg, Zurich, Switzerland
"49th International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale / Biennale di Venezia", La Biennale di
Venezia, Venice, Italy (catalogue)
"Meine Schafe", Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
Galerie Nils Staerk, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Snowballs", Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA
Sperone Westwater, New York, USA (catalogue)
"Skulpturer Och Teckningar", Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm, Sweden
"Nototo", Milleventi, Milan, Italy
"New Sculpture", Sperone Westwater, New York, USA
"Large Works on Paper", Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA
"Totem und Tabu", Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany (catalogue)
Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden (catalogue)
"Schoppa", Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
Galerie Lehmann, Lausanne, Switzerland
"Sculpture", Sperone Westwater, New York, USA
Galleria Milleventi, Turin, Italy
Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone, Rome, Italy (catalogue)
"Private View", Berggruen & Zevi Limited, London, UK
Galerie Lehmann, Lausanne, Switzerland
"Cow Dung, New Bronze Works", Wooster Gardens, New York, USA
"Adam, One Afternoon", Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA
Galerie Niels Ewerbeck, Vienna, Austria
Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA
"Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik", Galerie Edith Wahlandt, Stuttgart, Germany
Berggruen & Zevi Limited, London, UK
Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland
"sculture recenti", Studio Guenzani, Milan, Italy
"Cacche di Mucca", Galleria Via Farini, Milan, Italy
"18 Buatschas", Kunsthandlung Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
"Bronzen", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
"The Complete Prints and Multiples", Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA (catalogue)
"Druck-Graphik & Multiples", Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA
PS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (catalogue)
Curt Marcus Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Ascan Crone, Hamburg, Germany
Museé Rath, Geneva, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Not Vital at Akhnaton", Centre of Arts, Akhnaton Hall, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt (catalogue)
"Sculptures And Works on Paper", The Greenberg Gallery Annex, St. Louis, USA
"Not Vital, Dessins et Sculptures", Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, France
Galerie Montenay, Paris, France
"Plastiken und Zeichnungen", Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland (catalogue)
Curt Marcus Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Ascan Crone, Hamburg, Germany
Baron/Boisanté, New York, USA
"Works on Paper", Swiss Institute, New York, USA (catalogue)
"Skulpturen", Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Cologne, Germany
Gallery Nature Morte, Forum Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland
"Sculpture +Drawings", Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Gallery Nature Morte, New York, USA
Galleria Pinta, Genova, Italy
"Drawings and Sculpture", Willard Gallery, New York, USA
"Sculpturen en Tekeningen", Galerie Barbara Farber, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gallery Nature Morte, New York, USA
"Plastiken und Zeichnungen", Galerie Hartmann, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA
Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland
Gimpel-Hanover and André Emmerich Galerien, Zurich, Switzerland
Altstadt-Galerie, Chur, Switzerland
"Recent Drawings", Albert White Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Gimpel-Hanover and André Emmerich Galerien, Zurich, Switzerland
Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
Galerie Peter Noser, Zurich, Switzerland
Dritte Galerie, Zofingen, Switzerland
Galleria LP 220, Turin, Italy
Galleria Diagramma, Milan, Italy
Galerie d'art moderne, Chur, Switzerland
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
Städtische Galerie Zum Strauhof, Zürich
"Sommerausstellung," Galerie Schöner-Wohnen-Haus, Zürich und Locarno, 25 July - 1
"Weihnachtsausstellung der Bündner Künstler," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
"Animals and Archetypes," P.S. 122, New York
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
"Yulla Lipchitz and Not Vital," Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 10 December - 7 January
"New Expressions," Leonarda di Mauro Gallery, New York, 3 - 26 February
Niveau Gallery, New York
"Joseph Nechvatal, Not Vital, Robin Weglinski," Gallery Nature Morte, New York, May
"Twelve Swiss Artists," Gimpel Fils, London, 24 May - 18 June
"Not Vital, Steve Staso, Julian L. Mosca," Schweizerhof, Vulpera, Switzerland, 8 July - August
"Ruckblick - Ausblick," Gimpel-Hanover and André Emmerich Galleries, Hamburg, 1-27 August -
8 October
"Corsin Fontana, Das Auslöschen der Bilder Durch Die Zeit," Galerie Claudia Knapp, Chur, Switzerland
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
"Ref. 84," Palud No.1, Lausanne, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Aspekte Aktueller Bündner Kunst: Corsin Fontana, Gaudenz Signorell, Not Vital, Hannes
Vogel," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Selected Drawings by Eleven Artists," Willard Gallery, New York, 5 September - 6 October
"Eccentric Image(s)," Margo Levin Gallery, Los Angeles, 20 October -
"Jim Colarusso, Michael Hafftka, Christoph Hertzog, Not Vital," Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 3 - 29 November
"Wedge Benefit," Gallery Nature Morte, New York
"Male Sexuality," Art City, New York
"James Brown, Richard Milani, Scott Richter, Not Vital," Gallery Nature Morte, New York, January
"Graffiti and East Village Artists," Librizzi Gallery, New York, 19 January - 16 February
"Objects of Comfort," City Without Walls, Newark, 28 March - 24 April
"American Paintings 1975 - 1985, Selections from the Collection of Aaron and Phyllis Katz," Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO, 6 July - 25 August (catalogue)
"Large Drawings," Museum of Modern Art, New York
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
"Cult and Decorum," Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York, 7 December - 4 January
"Time after Time," Diane Brown Gallery, New York
Brooklyn Museum, New York
Willard Gallery, New York
"Invitational Exhibition," Curt Marcus Gallery, New York, 11 June - 11 July
"Verso Sud e Verso Nord, Artisti Italiani e Svizzeri," Palazzo Vagnotti, Cortona, Italy, October
"The Antique Future," Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, 13 February - 22 March
"Drawing Since 1940," Museum of Modern Art, New York
"Sudwarts Nordwarts, Italienische und Schweizer Kunstler," Studio 10, Chur, Switzerland, March (catalogue)
"Walls and Spaces, Three Swiss Artists, Rosemary Koczy, Olivier Mosset, Not Vital," New York, 25 March - 25 April
"16 Schweizer Künstler mit: Druckgraphik der 80er Jahre," Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Simila/Dissimilia, Modes of Abstractions in Painting, Sculpture and Photography Today," Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, August (catalogue); Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, Leo Castelli Gallery, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, November (catalogue); Curt Marcus Gallery, New York
"The New Poverty," John Gibson Gallery, New York, 10 October - 7 November (catalogue)
"Blow Up," Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland
"Not Vital, Salvatore Scarpitta," Studio Guenzani, Milan, February
"Works on Paper," Curt Marcus Gallery, New York
"Off White," Diane Brown Gallery, New York, 24 May - 18 June
"Not Vital, Ange Leccia, Dennis Adams," Galerie Faust, Genève, 29 September - 20 November
"Recent Acquisitions," Tatyana Grossman Gallery, Museum of Modern Art, New York
"Kaldeway Press," Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 6 September - 2 December
"Konfrontationen von Angelika Kauffman bis Miriam Cahn," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur,
"Donald Baechler, Michael Byron, Not Vital," Baron/Boisanté, New York, September - October
"La Suisse Romanche Vue Par Iso Camartin," Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
"Reflets Contemporains d'une Collection," Musée Pulliérane, Pully, Switzerland (catalogue);
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Ville de Locle, Switzerland
"Object of Thought, A Collection of Objects and Small Sculptures," Anders Tornberg Gallery,
New York, 14 January - 1 February
"Monochrome," Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, 14 January - 8 February
"Projects and Portfolios: The 25th National Print Exhibition," The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, 6 October - 31 December (catalogue)
"Selected Multiples," Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, 20 May - 28 July
"The New Poverty II," Meyers Bloom Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
"The 1980's: Prints from the Collection of Joshua P. Smith," National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 17 December - 8 April 1990 (catalogue)
Galerie Faust, Geneva
"Gemälde und Skulpturen," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
"The First Five Years," The Kaldeway Press at Harvard University, Boston(catalogue)
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
"Druckgraphik & Multiples," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Corsin Fontana, Gaspare O. Melcher, Matisa Spescha, Not Vital," Galerie Nova, Pontresina, Switzerland
"Not Vital und Florio Puenter," Pinta Galleria, Genève
"Skulpturen und Arbeiten Auf Papier," Galerie Nova Fredi Büchel, Pontresina, Switzerland
"Donald Baechler, Michael Byron, Not Vital," Baron/Boisante, New York, March - April
"Works on Paper," Baron/Boisanté, New York, 8 September - 17 October
"Drawn in the Nineties," Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY, 14 June - 9 August; traveling:
Fine Art Gallery, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 11 September - 23 October; Illingworth
Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 7 November, 1992 - 28 January, 1993; Huntsville
Museum of Art, Huntsville, MA, 22 August - 24 October; Worcester Art Museum, Worcester,
MA, 17 November, 1993 - 9 January, 1994; Lamont Gallery, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter,
MA, 28 January - 6 March; University Art Gallery, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 8
April - 17 May (catalogue)
"Self-Evidence, Self-Portraits in Prints & Photographs," New York Public Library, New York, 2
September - 20 November
"Across The River and Into The Trees, a Sculpture Show," The Rushmore Festival, Rushmore,
NY, 25 June - 10 July
 "Works on Paper," Baron/Boisanté, New York, 4 January - 19 February
"Art Cologne," Galerie Edith Wahlandt, Cologne
"The Body Human," Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, 8 September - 15 October
"Curtis Anderson, Not Vital," Baron/Boisanté, New York, 16 September - 22 October
"Projekt Schweiz II, Natur - Kultur," Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, 1994 (catalogue)
"Drawing in Black and White: A Selection of Contemporary Works from the Collection," The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 22 September - 10 January
"A Century of Artists Books," The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 23 October - 24 January (catalogue)
"(W)HO(W) Are You?" Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland
"Sculpture," Sperone Westwater, New York, September - October
"Selected Projects of '81 - '95," Baron Boisanté, New York
"Schrift im Bild," Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, Switzerland
"Beyond Switzerland - Works by Contemporary Swiss Artists," Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong (catalogue)
"The Material Imagination, Untitled," Guggenheim Museum Soho, New York
"Projects, 3 New + 3 Old," Baron/Boisanté, New York
"Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980 - 95," The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 19 - September 10 (catalogue)
"Dissimilar & Unrelated Sculptures," Baron/Boisanté, New York
"Übergänge - Kunst aus Graubünden 1936-1996," Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Animeaux et animeaux, Zeitgenöss, Kunst u. Zoologie," Museum zu Allerheiligen,
 Kunstverein Schaffhausen, Switzerland (catalogue)
"Animals," Baron Boisanté, New York
"Schweizer Kunst," Auktionshaus Sotheby's, Zürich (catalogue)
"Anselmo, Boetti, Laib, Merz, Nauman, Paolini, Pistoletto, Vital, Zorio," Sperone Westwater, New York, 13 September-18 October
"Objectivity: International Objects of Subjectivity," Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach, 12 December 1997-2 March 1998 (brochure)
"Paper +: Works on Dieu Donné Paper," The Gallery at Dieu Donné Papermill, New York, 18 April-29 May
"The Erotic Sublime, (Slave to the Rhythm)," Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria, 26 July - 29 August (catalogue)
"Zeitgenössische Skulptur, Europa-Afrika," 7th Triennale der Kleinplastik 1998, SüdwestLB
Forum Stuttgart, Germany (catalogue) 
"Präsentation Zeitgenössischer Kunst," Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG, Unterföhring, Germany
"Head to Toe; Impressing the Body," University Gallery, Fine Arts Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 6 November - 17 December
"Magisches Rätisches Dreieck, Drei Künstler - Drei Positionen," Schloss Landeck, Austria (catalogue)
"Konnex Kairo," Kunst Museum Thun, Switzerland (catalogue)
"and away we go," Baron Boisanté, New York, 11 April - 20 May 2000
"Cosmologies" Sperone Westwater, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2000
"Art Unlimited", Art 32 Basel, 13-18 June 2001
"Kunst, die wir lieben," Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland, 10 December 2000 - 14 January 2001 
Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva, 15 February - 31 March 2001
"Plateau of Humanity," La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Harald Szeeman, 6 June - 4 November 2001 (catalogue)
“Accrochage,” Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva, 6 December 2001 – 2 February 2002
“No Canvas, ” Galleria Cardi, Milan, February 25-April 19.
“home, sweet home,” Galleria Cardi, Milan, 8 April – 22 May.
“Needful Things,” Cleveland Museum of Art, Project 244, 2004
Galerie Tschudi, Switzerland, 19 July 2005 – 17 September 2005
“Mountains,” Fondation Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, 28 February – 13 May 2006.
“Collective One,” Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva, 18 January -9 March 2007
“Exposures: The Contemporary Self-Portrait,” Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Austria, 28 July – 28 August
“Von Tag zu Tag: Pablo Picasso, Hanne Darboven, Not Vital,” Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur,
Chur, Switzerland, 4 April – 10 July 2007
“Richard Long, Not Vital: Agadez,” Galerie Tschudi, Zuoz, Switzerland, 22 December 2007 – 22 March 
“Not Vital and Emil Lukas,” Mendelson Gallery, Shadyside, PA 2 May – April 2008
“Wunderkammer: A Century of Curiosities,” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 30 July – 10 November 2008
“Blood on Paper,” Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, England, 15 April – 29 June 2008
“Fuentes (Artists and Their Inspirations),” Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria, 27
February – 26 March; Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France, 2 April – 2 May 2009


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