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by Opera Gallery Seoul
Location: Opera Gallery Seoul
Artist(s): GROUP SHOW
Date: 16 May - 16 Jun 2013

French sociologist Jean Baudrillard, renowned for the concept of “simulation”, uses the image of a dog wagging its tail to describe the discrepancies that can exist between our perception of reality and an illusion of it. Similarly, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to answer the question of what is real and what is illusionary, virtual reality is partially dominating the life of modern people. The film Matrix, which was premiered 14 years ago, grabbed worldwide attention with its depiction of a hyperrealism that is more real than reality itself. We no longer consider SciFi films as meaningless imagination. Instead, we perceive them as an insight into a future that may very well become true one day. This is how we can become aware of the blurring of boundaries between fantasy and reality. In a way, the art world is the world where all boundaries can be erased most freely.
Opera Gallery Seoul will be hosting Utopia, a group show of photography, as its third exhibition of 2013.

This exhibition will display 70 photographs of 10 renowned photographers from Korea, the Netherlands, Germany, France and others and will include works by the following photography artists: Joseph Klibansky who paralyses the viewers’ senses by showcasing futuristic cities in a fantastic manner, Flore Zoé who produces images that encompass numerous stories, Yasmina Alaoui & Marco Guerra who produce captivating portrait photographs inspired by The Thousand and One Nights, Gérard Rancinan who was France’s youngest photo-reporter and the master who erases all boundaries between photography and art, Hervé Lewis who captures the beauty of classic feminism, Youssef Nabil who instigates a sense of longing and nostalgia, Olivier Dassault who creates abstract paintings with a camera, Lim Taek, the photographer who produces digital landscape paintings, Lee JeongLok who expresses the silent language of reason and nature and Lim Ana who showcases memories.

Utopia, a place that everyone dreams about, but that no one has personally experienced.

Courtesy of Opera Gallery 

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