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The Great American Icons
by Opera Gallery Seoul
Location: Opera Gallery Seoul
Artist(s): GROUP SHOW
Date: 13 Mar - 5 Apr 2014

Opera Gallery Seoul is delighted to present "The Great American Icons" featuring Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, the forerunners of American pop art together with a group of contemporary artists - SEEN, Gerard Rancinan, Ron English, David Mach, Joe Black, Lee Dong-Uk, Romero Britto, Patrick Rubinstein, Mr. Brainwash, Willy Rizzo, Paul Alexis, Xiao Bai, Andre Monet, Daniel Angeli, Xue Song, Xiong Qin, KAN, Omar Ronda, Charles Jang who adopt the images of american pop icons into their artwork.

In the 60's, Andy Warhol printed out his silkscreen works adopting images of Marilyn Monroe, the iconic figure of Hollywood and Campbell's soup cans, a symbol of mass production. Roy Lichtenstein directly reflects the popular culture of 60's to art by faithfully reproducing comic strips. Thereafter, the icons familiar to the public such as Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse, superheroes, McDonald's and Coca-Cola can still be found in the art of many influential contemporary artists including SEEN, Gerard Rancinan, Patrick Rubinstein, Ron English, Joe Black, David Mach and Lee Dong-Uk, over half a century.

"The Great American Icons" highlights the way in which the 60's pop icons of capitalism and mass production are still the timeless artistic inspiration of 21st Century contemporary artists equally from the East and the West throughout the history.
- Gilles Dyan (Founder and Chairman, Opera Gallery Group), Vivian So Hyun Choi (Manager, Opera Gallery Seoul)

*image (left)
© David Mach  
courtesy of the artist and Opera Gallery Seoul

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