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by Opera Gallery Seoul
Location: Opera Gallery Seoul
Artist(s): Lita CABELLUT
Date: 14 May - 22 Jun 2014

Life is unpredictable, sometimes demanding. The strength needed to overcome the challenges posed by life lies within us. This fundamental truth played a crucial role in the lives of Cabellut's subjects: people who had nothing to loose and went ahead to simply transform dust into absolute beauty; people who managed to turn their lives into a work of art and are the living proof that everybody has the chance to seize an opportunity…to be a Starcatcher...

It would be difficult indeed to imagine any other artist with such access to the emotional life of Coco Chanel, Charlie Chaplin, Marlene Dietrich or Janis Joplin than Lita Cabellut, who is undoubtedly a woman who knowns that the opportunities to find deeper powers within oneself often come when life seems challenging.
Cabellut, who experienced loss, homelessness, orphanage, loneliness and darkness during her childhood, presents in her new exhibition personalities who managed to transform pain into aesthetic pleasure in the same way Lita communicates her pain onto her canvases. What makes Starcatchers such a substantial series, so rich, so impressive psychologically is the common ground that these personalities share with the artist's insight and life experiences. 

Cabellut's portrait paintings are exhibited all around the world, in cities such as New York, Dubai, Miami, Singapore, Hong Kong, Barcelona, London, Paris, Monaco, Seoul, among many other places.

*image (left)
courtesy of the artist and Opera Gallery 

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