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Tomio Koyama Gallery Tokyo
1-3-2-7F, Kiyosumi,
Tokyo 135-0024   map * 
tel: +81 3 3642 4090     fax: +81 3 3642 4091
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Paintings & Drawings
by Tomio Koyama Gallery Tokyo
Location: 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
Artist(s): Atsushi FUKUI
Date: 30 Apr - 27 May 2014

This exhibition will be held to celebrate the publication of “Nahal‘s Bell”, written by Kazuya Nagaya and illustrated by Atsushi Fukui, to be published in spring 2014. The exhibition features original drawings by Atsushi Fukui that were used as illustrations in the book, and also his most recent paintings.

In collaboration with musicians such as David Sylvian, Atsushi Fukui creates works that are both narratively rich and visionary. Looking at images like that of the girl and winter forest that appear in his works, the viewers’ imaginations are stirred as if they are turning the pages of a book. However, the Utopia-like landscapes that Fukui paints are somewhat unapproachable, and hold a cold, bracing atmosphere.  We invite you to enjoy his sensitively subtle view of the world.

Atsushi Fukui was born in 1966, in Aichi, Japan. He completed his B.A. in oil painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1989. He currently lives and works at Yatsugatake in Yamanashi.  His works were shown at “ROPPONGI CROSSING” (2004, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo), and exhibitions held in numerous countries such as the United States, Germany, Norway and Singapore.

*image (left)
courtesy of the artist and Tomio Koyama Gallery 

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