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by Ai Kowada Gallery
Location: Ai Kowada Gallery
Artist(s): Hiroshige FUKUHARA
Date: 1 Sep - 6 Oct 2012

Fukuhara’s second solo exhibition is going to be presented from September 1, Saturday to October 6, Saturday. In addition to his black works, “drawing with black pencil on black bases”, he’d show works with new media including sculpture/carving.

One of the media he challenged for this exhibition was silkscreen print on a base made of stainless steel and ones with silver leaf mounted. At the first glance, it seemed just a silver-colored base. However, as you came close to it, you’d find endlessly scattered motifs such as leaves, flowers, waves and horses, which were typical of Fukuhara’s works.

Besides, he created completely new method of sculpture/carving. It started with a piece of drawing. He traced it upside down so that got the frond and the back, and then concluded both sides from them, which eventually turned out to be a sculpture. It rather “resulted in” a sculpture. Although it seemed a completely new and different style in his career, it in fact deeply shared his philosophy, where he attempted to sublimate the dynamism at the moment of creation into a completed work of art, because he established this media in order to make himself free from an intention to make a work “well-balanced”.

Fukuhara said the concept of this exhibition was “fall down”, which means being away from logics and laws around us, especially ones we normally cannot recognize. For instance, plants come up, not down. Its roots go down into the ground, not up to the air. How many works of art could be free from those rules? We’re making a piece of art, not a description in biological sense. Why should we follow a law of nature then? Questioning himself, he played with motifs so that presented an imaginative world, where the left could be the right, and the top could be the bottom.

Have a look at his newest works, which are created without drafts in order to grasp a pulse of the creation.

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