NKN Gallery
79 Stephenson Street
Cremorne VIC 3121
Australia map *
tel: +61 3 9429 0660
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A curated space formed in March 2014 that exemplifies the unique and vibrant amalgamation of Bill Nuttall’s Niagara Galleries and the former Blockprojects fronted by Yasmin Nguyen and Jeremy Kibel.
NKN Gallery (Nuttall, Kibel and Nguyen) is a product of each individual’s desire to see relationships flourish between new and emerging talent, established artists and the galleries that represent them.
More than just a space, NKN Gallery is where artists can discover their potential and meet like-minded creatives and collectors. With the three directors’ collective gallery experience reaching over 50 years, 2014 and beyond will see this collaborative force engage and invigorate both in Australia and into South East Asia.