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Project Space SARUBIA is a non-profit gallery devoted to supporting experimental art in various areas of fine art, architecture, music, dance and film. Project Space SARUBIA selects creative and experimental artists regardless of their age, background and artistic tendencies, and provides them an environment to produce and exhibit their work. Established in 1999 in Insa-dong, Seoul, at the former site of SARUBIA Coffee Shop famous for its important role in the cultural scene of Seoul, Project Space SARUBIA became a pioneer of alternative spaces in Korea. Project Space SARUBIA continues its service to alternative contemporary art in Korea and helps guide its development.

MISSION In all of its exhibitions, Project Space SARUBIA focuses on the concepts of each project and attempts to expand the concepts themselves. Presenting new concepts, discourses and practices, SARUBIA helps emphasize the variety and dynamics of contemporary Korean art. To ensure the clarity with which concepts are presented, Project Space SARUBIA seeks every measure in the planning and coordination of its exhibitions. As a mediator between artists and audiences, SARUBIA promotes outreach to expand art audiences and to further channels of communication.

CALL FOR ARTISTS Artists areselected in April, September and December. Applications are accepted at the end of the month prior to each selection. An individual or group can submit a proposal (including plans for production and installation), along with work sample and application form. After preliminary selections made by curators, final selections are made by unanimous agreement in a joint panel of internal and external judges.

EXHIBITIONS Each year, Project Space SARUBIA mounts four to five exhibitions consisting of three to four selected artist exhibitions and one invitational exhibition. Selected exhibition or project plans take shape under continuous dialogue with the curator in charge. For the invitational, the curators select the artists and plan the exhibition. To assure quality, each exhibition is given a one-month period for production and another month for exhibition. In addition to financial support for each artist, SARUBIA provides services to support each exhibition in its planning and coordination (ie, preparing exhibition literature, PR, opening reception, etc.)

WORKSHOPS The regional outreach workshops began in 2005 as part of an educational program to help promote artists and programming at Project Space SARUBIA. The workshops will be held alternately at colleges and cultural spaces in different regions each year, to foster communication among regions and to promote interest in the arts.

EVENTS Since its inauguration in 1999, The "SARUBIA Donation Party" has been SARUBIA's main annual event. During this evening of fundraising, guests are invited to join yearly or lifetime memberships to help support SARUBIA. Proceeds from Donation Partysupports the operating costs of SARUBIA. In addition to a theme party held in its exhibition space, SARUBIA organizes one or two special performances or experimental projects each year.

Opening hours:
Daily 11 am - 7 pm  Closed on lunar new year's day and chuseok



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