Tujuh Bintang art space were founded by Saptoadi Nugroho. Seven were the figure that symbolized the good meaning. Moreover our universe also often contained the element of the figure of seven. Among them, seven described 7 layers of sky, 7 layers of the earth, 7 heaven stages and hell, 7 star kinds, 1 week that had 7 days and many others that were other. Tujuh also described Allah's characteristics, Dzat the best all, 7 characteristics that we (human) could feel, that is: Qudrat (The Power), Iradat (The Desire), Ilmu (Knowledge), Hayat (Lived), Sama’ (Hear), Bashar (See) and Qalam (Said). Moreover said seven also reflected the founder of the gallery, that is Saptoadi Nugroho. From his name part, “Sapto” in the Javanese language mean seven. The location of the gallery in Street Sukonandi 7 Yogyakarta took part in strengthening the name election of this gallery. Whereas Star words were chosen, because of could be interpreted as the champion, best or the idol.
This was hope so that all the works of art that were put forward in the gallery could become the star for all the circles. Tujuh Bintang Art Space consisted of two of most showrooms that were acknowledged as the A wings and the wings of B. Wing A was the combination from 4 rooms that contained approximately 28 paintings. Whereas the B wings that were the combination from 3 rooms could contain approximately 20 paintings. As the supporter of the gallery activity was provided one room of the administrative staff was with 4 computers equipped by the network of the internet, the painting warehouse and one mess with the capacity 8 beds to spend the night artist from outside the city. Tujuh Bintang not only concentrates on to the gallery. To satisfy the requirement for equipment depicted for the artists, was built by one of Art Shop and production space spanram. Canvas, the paint, brushed with various makes and spanram the production repeated Art Shop could be ordered directly and through the telephone, SMS (Short Message Service), the email, Yahoo Messenger and through website http://tubiku.com Tujuh Bintang Art Space were opened for the public every day (on Monday up until the week) struck 10:00 until 20:00 WIB.
The point of view of Tujuh Bintang Art Space
1. Gave creation space that was flexible for artist.
2. Distributed the aspirations of art for artist senior and the beginner.
3. Provided means of “Pamer Bakat Seni (Exhibit talent of arts)” and changed thoughts or the creative idea for the artist.
4. Bring together artist, the collector, the lover of art and the public's community.
Opening hours:
Daily 10 am - 8 pm