A distinguished building
by the renowned architect Marcel Breuer houses an important center for the visual arts. Amid the lawns and trees of a spacious urban campus, the Lehman College Art Gallery presents exhibitions and special programs, readily accessible to the community and free of charge.
The gallery
has been bringing important contemporary art to our Bronx audience since 1984. Artists have included Vito Acconci, Alice Adams, John Ahearn and Rigoberto Torres, Tomie Arai, L.C. Armstrong, Laura Anderson-Barbata, José Bedía, Xu Bing, Jacobo Borges, Monika Bravo, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Luis Camnitzer, Christo, Elba Damast, Jaime Davidovich, Douglas Davis, Lisa Corinne Davis, Elger Esser, April Gornik, Alfredo Jaar, Kahn and Selesnick, Jerry Kearns, Whitfield Lovell, Sally Mann, Pepón Osorio, Tom Otterness, Catalina Parra, Belkis Ramirez, Faith Ringgold, Alexis Rockman, Lezley Saar, Juan Sanchez , Jorge Tacla, Yukinori Yanagi, Jane Dickson, Monika Weiss, Andy Warhol, Carrie Mae Weems, and Robert Wilson, among many others. Lehman College Art Gallery strives to make significant opportunities available to emerging artists to advance their work and their level of recognition. At the same time the Gallery makes contemporary art accessible to our Bronx audience as well as the greater New York City area.
Lehman College Art Gallery
Lehman College Art Gallery has been a pioneer in the use of interactive media. Projects range from the production of the Public Art in the Bronx Web site, a teacher's guide to over 100 public art projects in the borough, to interactive works of art and new media artist's residencies. Bronx Architecture, a new online education project featuring eighty sites that date from the 17th century to the present, will be launched on October 20, 2009.
The Arts Learning Center
at Lehman College Art Gallery has been a cultural and educational resource for the Bronx community since 1985. Programs are offered to school groups between kindergarten and twelfth grade, college classes, teachers, and community members. Arts Learning Center programs encourage students to develop critical thinking and communication skills while expanding their understanding of art in the gallery. In the studio, students learn to collaborate on installation projects, develop basic arts skills, and make connections between art and their other classes. Our unique location on the Lehman College Campus allows students the opportunity to visualize college life and imagine a possible career in the arts beyond school. The Arts Learning Center internship program completes the circle by teaching college students to become educators in the arts. By introducing significant visual arts close to home in the Bronx, these programs can lay the foundation for a lifelong interest in the arts.
Opening hours:
Tue - Sat 10 am - 4 pm