The gallery has relocated from Redfern, to a large semi detached, four storey, double-fronted late Victorian terrace at 44 Roslyn Gardens, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney.
With four storeys of a grand terrace at our command, we offer up to collectors a strong mix of rotating painting, sculpture and photography exhibitions—approximately eight per year. In addition to our exhibition schedule, Elizabeth Bay will provide our clients with a dedicated space for private treaty sales. Few art galleries in Australia focus to the degree as we do, on secondary sales.
Aside from sheer space and increased art activity that Elizabeth Bay will afford, additional smiles can be found in living in a building comprised of near pristine architecture —built in the late 19th century, it survived the 1970's—with rich Cedar staircases, deep skirting boards and joinery all intact. The history of the building is palpable. Sydney art dealer Rex Irwin lived in Elizabeth Bay when he first moved to Sydney, almost thirty-five years ago. Aside from Rex, it has to be said that Elizabeth Bay's most illustrious resident was the great aviator and inventor, Lawrence Hargrave 1850-1915.
The primary focus of the Sydney gallery is art consulting and dealing combined with a significant exhibition schedule—yearly, two exhibitions are entirely Aboriginal art in focus, the others consist of Australian artists from the nineteenth century until the present day.
The underlying value of the exhibition calendar is that it affords collectors the opportunity to view and acquire artwork—by primarily established contemporary artists— from around the country, artists that currently do not have representation in Sydney.
The gallery exists in all its diversity to enable collectors to build and enrich their collections.
Gallery hours:
Wed - Sat 11 am - 5 pm