Adoramus art gallery, has port folio of paintings comprises the traditional paintings of farmers in rice fields, women at market places, musicians and dancers to the modern contemporary paintings.
We selectively choose contemporary art pieces with sophisticated essence, through appearance of repeated and simplified strokes, combined with vibrant color and visual rhythms to free, contemporary spontaneous stokes is a contrasting technique to show the beauty and deeper rhythms of life.
Adoramus-Art hosts a collection of high-quality Art pieces which are fascination of our visual senses.
These artworks/ fine art pieces are from well known artists participating in auctions throughout South-East Asia and also from young potential artist.
The collections introduce South East Asia's tradition, laden with splendor and beauty.
We have the motivation to bring in and cultivate young and potential artist into intermational fine-art market, provide satisfying feelings for the diverse needs ofart collectors from all over the world.