“Art Mall” is established by the “Jains” with a mindset to ensure the best support for the artist and unique buying experience for a collector. The Jain conglomerate hails from a reputable family business established by Late Shri Bhiku Ram Jain in the year 1929.
Our Philosophy: Since 2006, “Art Mall” has been focused on promoting Art and Culture. The mission of “Art Mall“ is to become a world-class organization to develop and support artists by providing them a platform to reach out to the community & providing the community with a one-stop art buying destination. We recognise that India contains a plethora of talent that remains unexplored, mainly due to lack of awareness. “Art Mall” has been working diligently and has succeeded in identifying several upcoming artists who have produced exceptional quality artworks. Many exceptional artists tend to go undiscovered as they do not have the resources to showcase their talent; we are providing the artists a medium to display their work and providing the collector an opportunity to invest in art that has great potential to appreciate in the future.
What We Offer: “Art Mall” currently offers paintings, graphics, drawings and sculptures displayed over 15,000 square feet gallery space, the largest in the metropolis. “Art Mall” proudly shares with you a collection of about 1,000 artworks of more than 500 different Indian artists. The quality & extent itself is able to cater to everyone’s taste. We also offer artists to hold exhibitions and display their artworks at the gallery. Further, our website, www.artmall.in has also been launched for online sale.
Our Vision: Provide an infrastructure for affordable art, to reach each household. Facilitate and perform various non-profit philanthropic works, in conjunction with the “Bhiku Ram Jain Foundation” by organizing shows for young and upcoming artists who do not have the means to exploit their talent. The Foundation aims to hold an Annual All India Art Exhibition, to distribute art awards and also provide scholarships. “Art Mall” also plans to conduct events and competitions for chil dren, handicapped artists, women and senior citizens.
Selection of Artists: Art Mall has a panel of individuals (from our advisory committee) experienced in the field of art to handpick established and semi-established artists whose artwork you can proudly display in your living room, gift to another, or even buy as an investment.